Simple SharePoint Workflow with InfoPath Task Form

I’m going to write a series of short(er) articles that I can reference later in longer examples. The focus of this post is to describe how to create an InfoPath form and how to pubish it as a task form, so that it can be used in a custom SharePoint workflow. A task form is presented to a user as part of the CreateTask activity in a SharePoint sequential workflow. It is rendered as a web page and if the user is running Outlook 2007, it can even be displayed within Outlook.

I’ll be using the following tools here:

  • InfoPath 2007
  • Visual Studio 2008 (with VSeWSS 1.3 installed)

My aim is to describe the following theory:

  1. Publishing the form in InfoPath
  2. How to reference the form in your workflow
  3. Sending data to the form
  4. Receiving data from the form

You don’t need InfoPath to create tasks form in SharePoint workflows. You can also use .Net web forms. Reasons for using InfoPath include:

  • InfoPath forms are much easier to work with.
  • They are natively stored in a serialized format.
  • The InfoPath architecture handles the page lifecycle and links the code-behind.

The disadvantages to consider when using InfoPath forms are:

  • You need a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise License to render InfoPath forms in the web browser. This includes task forms.
  • You are limited to the controls made available to use by web-compatible InfoPath forms. This is a subset of the controls available when building native InfoPath forms and can sometimes require you to get creative to achieve your goals.

A typical task form will contain two text boxes and two buttons. We will build such a form. It will be a simple InfoPath 2007 form with the following controls:

  1. Textbox 1 – Details: This will display the details of the workflow. It might be details of an order, or details of a leave application.
  2. Textbox 2 – Comments: A place for the user to enter any comments they’d like recorded against the task.
  3. Button 1 – Approve: When clicked, the form sends an Approve value back to the workflow.
  4. Button 2 – Reject: When clicked, the form sends a Reject value back to the workflow.

Creating the Base Form

Creating the Fields

  1. Open InfoPath 2007 and Design a new, Blank Form Template. Be sure to enable broweser compatible features and click OK.
  2. Using the Data Source pane, rght-click on myFields and add two Text fields. Name Details and the second Comments.
  3. Click on each of the fields and drag them to the form. Double click on each field to bring up their properties and change them to multi-line fields. Then move & resize them so that you end up with a form that looks like this:
  4. In the Data Source pane, click on Design Tasks and change to the Controls pane. Add two buttons to the form, just below the text fields. Double-click on each button and change their labels to Approve and Reject. You’ll end up with a form that looks something like this:
  5. Below the buttons add another text field (add it to the data sources, then drag it to the form) named Result and delete its caption. This field will report the approval result back to the workflow. We don’t want this field to be visible, so add some conditional formatting to hide it.
    1. Double-click on the Result field change to the Display tab.
    2. Click on Conditional Fomatting.
    3. Click the Add button.
    4. Add a condition stating that when Comments is black, hide this control. Click OK the commit the formatting. The configuration will look like this:
    5. Add a second instance of conditionl formatting. This time add a condition stating that when Comments is not blank, hide this control. This will ensure that the Result field is always hidden. Click OK to commit the formatting.
  6. Still inside the Result field’s properties, change to the data tab and set its Default Value to 0 (zero). We will use this value to check if the form has been changed.

Adding the Publishing Data Connection

  1. Now we’ll add a data connection to the form. This data connection will be activated later when the user clicks on a button.
  2. From the Tools button, click on Data Connections.
  3. Click the Add button and create a data connection to submit data. Click Next.
  4. This data connection will submit our data to the hosting environment, such as an ASP.NET page or a hosting application.
  5. We’ll leave the data connection named Submit, since that’s what it’s used for. Click next, then finish and return to the form.

Adding the Receive Data Connection

  1. We will want to update our task form from the workflow. To send data to the form fields from the workflow, we need to create a receive data connection. For this, we will use a very simple text (XML) file.
  2. In the same folder (for convenience) as your form create a new text document. Name it: ItemMetadata.xml. The name is case-sensitive and any other name will not work.
  3. Inside this file place the following line of text: <z:row xmlns:z=”#RowsetSchema” ows_Details=”” />.
  4. Save and exit the file. If, in future you want to pass other data back to a task form, just create a similar file and reference the fields in your form by adding ows_ before the field name. You can have multiple fields, separated by a space.
  5. Back in InfoPath, select Data Connections from the Tools menu.
  6. Click the Add button and create a new data connection to receive data.
  7. Select XML document as our data source and click Next.
  8. Browse to ItemMetadata.xml file you just created and select it. Click Next.
  9. Leave the remaining settings at their default value and click Next until Finished.
  10. Back in the form,double-click on the Details field.
  11. We’re going to set the default value to that passed into the data connection via the workflow. Click the fx button next to the default value field.
  12. Click the Insert field or group button.
  13. From the Data Source drop-down, select ItemMetadata.
  14. Select the ows_Details field and click OK until you return to the form.

Configuring the Buttons

  1. Time to configure the buttons. A couple of rules will record the result of the button click and then submit the form using the data connection we created earlier.
  2. Double-click on the Approve button and click on the Rules button.
  3. Add a new rule and name it Set Result.
  4. Click the Add Action button. Use the Set a fields value action to set the result field to 1. The Action box looks like this:setresultrule
  5. Click OK and use the Add Action button again to add a second action to this rule.
  6. This time select the Submit using a data connection action. Ensure the Submit data connection is selected and click OK.
  7. Again, click the Add Action button to add a third and final action to this rule.
  8. Select the Close the form action and click Ok. The final ruleset should look like this:buttonruleset
  9. Repeat step 8 for the Reject button. The only difference is to set the Result fields value to -1 in step 4.

Setting the Correct Security Level

There’s a couple of settings that we need to configure so that the form will open correctly in our workflow.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Form Options.
  2. In the Security and Trust category, turn off the Automatically determine security level setting and select Domain.
  3. Click OK to commit the change

Publishing the Form

  1. Before you publish the form, you must save it. Save it as TaskForm0. Again, that’s a zero at the end of the filename, not the letter o. This font is weird.
  2. Now it’s time to publish the form. From the File menu, select Publish.
  3. Publish the form to a network location. This is just a generic publish mode and is all we need. Click Next.
  4. The form template path is the location that the published version of the form will be saved. I will save it to a Published subfolder of the folder where I saved the form earlier.
  5. Use the same filename as you did for the form in step 1. The form template name will be filled in automatically. Click Next.
  6. This screen asks you to create an alternate access path. I don’t know what this is. What I do know is that every guide I’ve ever read says to ensure that field is blank. I have never left anything in there, so I don’t know what will happen if you do. Just delete any text in that field and click Next. If you receive a warning, just select that you know what you’re doing and want to continue.
  7. You’ll receive a summary. Click Next and then Finish.

That’s the form ready to go. We’re now finished with InfoPath and ready to wire it up to our workflow in Visual Studio. If you decide to make any changes to your form you will have to save and publish it again.

A Simple Workflow to Host the Task Form

I’m going to use Visual Studio 2008 to create a simple workflow to host the task form and prove the theory. Before starting, ensure that you’ve also installed the Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services (version 1.3). These extensions include project templates that make developing (and deploying) WSS solutions easy.

You’ll also need a SharePoint list to deploy the solution to. To make life easier, develop your solution on the same server running SharPoint. I run a virtual machine, from my development laptop, with Windows 2003 Server, SharePoint 2007, SQL Server 2005 & Visual Studio 2008. If you don’t have an MSDN license, check Microsoft’s web site for trial versions of these applications.

Creating the SharePoint List

The focus of this example is to illustrate how to interact with an InfoPath task form from within a SharePoint workflow. To illustrate this we need a SharePoint list to host the workflow and a SharePoint workflow to host the task form. First, let’s create the list:

  1. Open your SharePoint site and create a new Custom List. Call it SimpleWorkflow.
  2. From the List Settings, rename the Title field to Details.
  3. Create a new Multiple lines of text column. Call it Comments and set it to plain text.
  4. Create a new single line of text field and name it Result.

Creating the Workflow Project

  1. Open Visual Studio and from the File menu, select New Project.
  2. If you’ve got the VSeWSS installed, you’ll be able to select SharePoint 2007 Sequential Workflow from the Office Project Types.
  3. Name your project. I’m calling mine SimpleWorkflow (same as the list. One less thing to remember). Take note of where you’re creating the project, because we’ll be copying files to that location later.
  4. Click OK and VS will start the New Workflow Wizard (we didn’t have these when I was a kid).
  5. Leave the workflow name, but change the local site to the address of the SharePoint site you created the list in earlier. Click Next.
  6. Allow VS to automatically associate the workflow. This allows us to use the Publish feature in VS to easily push any changes out to the list we specify. It save a lot of time (and scripting).
  7. Select the SimpleWorkflow list from the drop-down. Leave the history and task lists and click Next.
  8. Set the workflow to only be started When an item is created. Turn off the Manually by users option.
  9. Click Finish. Your project is created and you’ll be left staring at the workflow designer.

Adding the Published Task Form to the Project

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the project’s folder and create a new subfolder named Forms.
  2. Copy the published task form and paste it into this new Forms folder.

Updating workflow.xml

  1. The form is now available to the project, but the project doesn’t yet know that it exists or that it’s a task form. We have to update the workfow.xml file with information about the form. The workflow.xml file describes our workflow., but I’m not going to go into all the settings here.
  2. In the Metadata element, you’ll see there’s a Task0_ForumURN tag that’s commented out. Uncomment this field and add the task form’s URN. To get the URN:
    1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the published task form’s location.
    2. Right-click on the form and select Design. This will launch InfoPath and open the form in design mode.
    3. From the file menu, select Properties. Copy the ID field.
  3. After you’ve pasted the task form’s URN, the MetaData element should look something like this:
  4. There’s one more change to make to the workflow.xml file. We have to tell the workflow to host the task form within a web form This is achieved by providing the GUID of the InfoPath form content type. The code to achieve this is:
  5. The code is inserted within the Workflow element. After you’ve added the code, the Workflow element will look like this:

Updating Feature.xml

  1. The feature.xml describes all the resources of our workflow. This includes the location of the workflow.xml, any other files that need copying when the feature is installed and which forms to register with the forms server. Double-click on feature.xml in the VS Solution Explorer to open it.
  2. First, we need to tell the feature.xml the location of our task form file. We do this by creating an ElementFile tag. This tag accepts a file path relative to the location of feature.xml and will ensure that our task form is copied up to the server when the feature is installed. Add the element file reference, so that the ElementManifests tag looks like this:
  3. Second, we need to tell feature.xml which forms to register with SharePoint, as belonging to this workflow. We created a Forms folder earlier. Rather than specifying individual forms, I always create this folder and copy all my forms to it. As such, we can use a wildcard value to tell feature.xml to register any .xsn files it finds in the Forms folder. The Register Forms property sits within the Properties element. Modify the Register Forms property to look like this:

Designing the Workflow

To use the task form we will use a workflow that:

  1. Creates a workflow task.
  2. Waits for the task to change.
  3. Completes the task when the task form is completed.

Using the VS workflow designer, complete the following:

  1. From the VS toolbox add a CreateTask activity to the workflow and set the following properties:
    • Correlation Token: taskToken
    • OwnerActivityName: Workflow1
    • TaskId:  Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to a new Member. Select Create Field and leave its name as createTask1_TaskId1. Click OK
    • TaskProperties: Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to a new Member. Select Create Field and leave its name as createTask1_TaskProperties1. Click OK.
    • The designer and properties will look like this
      designer11  createtask1properties
  2. From the VS toolbox add a While loop to the designer. The While loop will show an error. Ignore this for now. The designer will now look like this:
  3. Add an OnTaskChanged activity inside the while loop. Set the following properties:
    • Correlation Token: taskToken
    • OwnerActivityName: Workflow1
    • AfterProperties: Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to a new Member. Select Create Field and leave its name as onTaskChanged1_AfterProperties1. Click OK.
    • BeforeProperties: Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to a new Member. Select Create Field and leave its name as onTaskChanged1_BeforeProperties1. Click OK.
    • TaskId: Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to an existing member. Select createTask1_TaskId1. Click OK.
    • The designer and properties will now look like this:
      designer3  ontaskchanged1properties
  4. Add a CompleteTask activity. This is the last activity we’ll be adding to this workflow. Set the following properties:
    • Correlation Token: taskToken
    • OwnerActivityName: Workflow1
    • TaskId: Use the ‘details’ button. Bind to an existing member. Select createTask1_TaskId1. Click OK
    • Task Outcome: Successful
    • This is what the designer looks like with all our activities added.

Coding the createTask1 Activity

  1. Double-click on the the createTask1 activity to bring up the code view.
  2. Add the following code. An explanation will follow:

    • Lines 35 & 36: Just outside the CreateTask method, create to variables to store the description and comments field. This is not absolutely necessary in this example, but I’ve found that its good to retreive your variables once and use them locally. The advantage becomes apparent in larger workflows.
    • Line 39: Every task needs a new GUID.
    • Line 40: The AssignedTo field designates the person that will be assigned the workflow. It takes in a username. In this simple example, we will assign the workflow to the person that activated the worklow. Not very exciting, I know.
    • Line 41: The TaskType identifies the task form to be used. In this workflow, we’re only using one task form, but in more complex workflows there may be many task forms. Make sure this number matches the number in the TaskFormX_URN in the workflow.xml file.
    • Line 42: The task Title is shown in the workflow properties screen of the list item and is also used in the email advice that’s sent out to the AssignedTo person.
    • Line 43: The Description text makes up the body of the email advice.
    • Line 45: I’ve had bad experiences when grabbing field values from list items. I find that, sometimes, if the field’s empty SharePoint returns null. This can play havoc with code. These days, I always test if the field is null before attempting to return its value. Notice that I’m calling the field Title (and not Details). When you rename a field in SharePoint, you only rename its display name; the internal name does not change. If you ever need to find the field’s internal name, edit the field via the list’s settings. The field name is the last parameter of the URL in your browser.
    • Line 47: Grab the text in the Details field and store it in the class variable we created in line 35.
    • Line 48: The task properties’ ExtendedProperties is a hash table. This hash table allows easy access to the form’s data. If you pass data into the ExtendedProperties, the form will match it to a field and pass that data into the field.
  3. That’s is to the createTask1 activity. There’s really not that much code to it. As always with SharePoint development, the trick is knowing how to wire it all up.

Coding the onTaskChanged1 Activity

  1. The onTaskChanged1 activity executes once the task has been completed (i.e. the task form has been opened and submitted back to SharePoint). Jump back to the design view and double-click on the createTaskChanged1 ativity to bring up the code view.
  2. Add the following code. Just like before, I’ll explain the code below:

    • Line 52: Just above the onTaskChanged method, create a variable to store the result of the task. Cast your mind back to the task form. We set the Result field to 0 by default. The Approve button changes the Result value to 1 and the Reject button to -1. So, by examining this variable, we’ll know how the approver voted.
    • Line 55: Again, we access the form’s fields via the ExtendedProperties hash table. We change the value to a string and pass it to a method variable.
    • Line 57: Set the comments (class variable) to the value of the Comments field
    • Line 58: Cast the method variable to an integer and update the result, class variable.
  3. That’s it. Three lines of code and we’ve grabbed the task form’s fields and also determined the task’s result.

Configure the While Activity

  1. The while activity plays a very important task in the workflow. It forces the onTaskChanged activity to wait until the task form is completed, before continuing the workflow. Without it, the onTaskChanged activity would complete instantly, instead of recording the result of the task. We’ll configure the while activity to continue looping (and waiting), until the task form’s Result field has been changed. While the Result is equal to zero, the workflow will not continue and the onTaskChanged activity won’t commit its values.
  2. We’ll configure the While loop using a Declarative Rule Condition. In the workflow designer, click on the While actvity to bring up its properties.
  3. From the Condition property drop-down, select Declarative Rule Condition.
  4. On the Condition Name line, click the Details button to bring up the Select Condition dialog.
  5. Click New and in the text editor, enter: result == 0. This is shown below:
  6. Click OK a couple of times the return to the editor.

Coding the CompleteTask Activity

  1. This is the final activity in this workflow. There’s two things we want to achieve here. Firstly, we’ll want to write the approver’s comments back to the list item. Secondly, we’ll write the approval result back to the list item.
  2. Double-click on the CompleteTask activity to bring up the code view.
  3. Here’s the code:

    • Lines 63 & 66: The using statements allow our code to run within the context of our SharePoint site. They’re nice ways to work within the context as they don’t require you to dispose the SPWeb object manually.
    • Lines 65, 68, 84 & 86: You must enable unsafe updates on your site collection and site if you’re updaing a site object via the object model. We need this to perfom the update command on line 83. Make sure to turn them off before exiting, to prevent unwanted code messing with your site.
    • Line 70: Get a reference to the list item this workflow orginated in. This is nicer than referencing the list by name as the code can be reused if you moved the workflow to another server or list.
    • Line 71: Update the Comments field with the approver’s comments we gathered in the onTaskChanged method.
    • Lines 72 – 82: For this code to have executed, the result field must’ve changed from its default value of 0. If it’s set to 1, then the approver must’ve selected Approve in the task form; if -1, it was Rejected.
    • Line 83: Update the list item. List items haven’t been commited until this point. Normally I’d wrap this code in a try\catch block as we’re interfacing externally.

Publishing the Workflow

  1. We’ve finished. We’ve built our form, built our workflow we’re ready to test it out.
  2. Thanks to the VSeWSS and VS2008 we can publish the workflow to our SharePoint site in a single click.
  3. From the Build menu, select Deploy. VS will:
    1. Build your code
    2. Copy the files to the SharePoint site’s 12\TEMPLATE\Features\ProjectName folder.
    3. Activate the feature which will install the task form in SharePoint Forms Services
    4. Install the compiled DLL into the GAC.
    5. Activate the workflow to the site collection, so that it’s available to be added to lists.
    6. Associate the workflow with the list we chose in the Workflow Wizard.

If you want to change the site and list that you’d initially selected, right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer and select SharePoint Debug Settings. This will bring up the wizard again. If you’re working in a small environment, you could use this as your formal deployment method. In a larger enterprise, you’ll probably need a more manual deployment procedure, consisting of copying the project files to the server, installing the DLL in the GAC and usng stsadm to install, then activate the workflow.

Testing the Workflow

  1. Browse to the list you created at the beginning of this guide.
  2. Create a new list item and enter some text in the Details text field. The other fields are also showing. In your own time, you can hide these fields by a number of methods; one is to modify the content type and hide the fields from appearing in forms.
  3. If you have email enabled, you’ll soon receive a task email which will allow you to complete the task. If not, hover over the item’s Details and select Workflows from the drop-down. Under Running workflows, click on the workflow title (SimpleWorkflow for me).
  4. Your task form will open in the web browser (Yay!!), with the Details from the list item already populated (Yay again!!).
  5. Enter some text in the Comments field and approve the form.
  6. Browse back to the list and you’ll see the Details, Comments and Results have been entered into the list item by our workflow (Yay!)

So.. I failed in writing a short post. I’ll try harder next time. I hope this helps clear up some of the confsion associated with this topic.


Download the full source code and all related file for this project from my Live SkyDrive:

A software engineer by trade, with a Masters degree in eCommerce, I focus on delivering end-to-end business solutions. ...and SharePoint's my platform.

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Posted in C#.Net, InfoPath 2007, SharePoint 2007, Visual Studio 2008, Workflow
36 comments on “Simple SharePoint Workflow with InfoPath Task Form
  1. […] Line 34: If the firstApprovalResult changes to 1, it means that the task was approved. I get this variable from my task form (for help with using InfoPath task forms, see: […]

    • Kieran says:


      When I add the CreateTask activity to the workflow and attempt to configure its properties, I am only able to select ‘workflowToken’ from the drop-down (for Correlation token) and not ‘taskToken’. Any reasons why?


  2. dousssa says:

    when i deploy the workflow i havi this error”no conforming character in the path”

    • dousssa,

      I’ve never heard of that message before. I googled the exact phrase and there were 0 results. Can you give me some more information of when this is happening?

      Otherwise, there might be a problem with your installation of VSeWSS. You can deploy the workflow manually:

      1. Build the worflow, instead of deploy. This will create the dll in he bin\debug folder of your project.
      2. Install this dll into the GAC on the SharePoint server (drag\drop into C:\Windows\Assembly).
      3. Create a folder in TEMP:LATE\Features directory on the server. Name it something easily recognisable.
      4.Copy the Feature.xml and workflow.xml to this folder.
      5. Create a Forms folder here and copy the task form to this folder.
      6. Use stsadm.exe -o installfeature to install the feature to your site collection.
      7. Go into site collection features (through the GUI) and activate the feature.
      8. You can now add the workflow to a library, as you would any of the inbuilt workflows.

  3. dousssa says:

    hello Fodi Dervidis,
    i follow your instructions and i find that my workflow exist in the Features directory but i dont intrestand how to activate the feature with the command stsadm.exe -o .
    the problem that i have an error when i deploy the workflow and when i choose continue the deploy i dont find the workflow in the library of workflow in my site

  4. dousssa says:

    i resolve the previous error but now i have anthor error :”the value is not included in the expected range”

    • Ambrish says:

      I was getting the same error: “value does not included in the expected range”.
      If you have copied “TaskListContentTypeId=”0×01080100C9C9515DE4E24001905074F980F93160” from the browser into VS, the second letter ‘x’ pastes as some special character instead of letter ‘x’.
      The deployment was successful once I made this small change.
      Hope, this will help!

      • Ambrish,

        Thanks for posting that discovery. I just don’t have the time to dig into these issues at the moment.

        That would have taken me ages to work out.

  5. Allen says:

    Has anyone tried this with “createtaskwithcontenttype”? Is there another step when we try to do this with a task with content types? This works fine for me with a standard create task, but when i add one with content type it does not.

  6. DP says:

    Thank you so much for your article. This is the only end-to-end article I’ve found for VS 2008 VSeWSS 1.3 workflows with InfoPath. It was a huge help. Do you have any other articles on creating the other forms (association, initiation, etc) with the same dev setup? If not, do you know of any resources for it?

  7. Marco says:

    I need save task’s comment in a columns from task.
    But when i try update task i get this error:
    This task is currently locked by a running workflow and cannot be edited.
    Can you help me with a piece of code or a tips?

    • Marco,

      I’m not sure exactly how you’re trying to save the comment string, but it sounds to me that you’re trying to modify the task, specifically the task list item.

      I would avoid that.

      Instead, write the comment back to the original list where the InfoPath was submitted.

      • Marco says:

        My error was, work with diferents name, if you want that workflow map infopath field with task list field, you must create field with the same name, is not necesary put the field’s name in ItemMetadata.xml.

  8. Gowtham says:

    Hi Fodi,

    First of all I wanna thank you for this article. I have spent almost 10 days for an article like this. None of the articles on net are as clear as this. But when I deploy the workflow I’m getting the following error before the infopath form is supposed to showup “The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different site collection:
    urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:TaskForm0:-myXSD-2009-07-07T19-07-06 . Should I change the GUID inTaskListContentTypeId=”0×01080100C9C9515DE4E24001905074F980F93160 or should I use the same as you mentioned above. If I’m supposed to use the GUID of my infopath form where can I get it from?

    • Gowtham,

      The TaskListContentTypeId should never change. This is the content type id for the InfoPath form content type. Umm, it’s the content type that your task form’s content type inherits from.

      I think the error you’re receiving is an envirionmental issue. Can you be a little more descriptive as to when the error appears. It sounds as though you’re starting the workflow, then when try to edit the task, this error is occuring. Is that correct? All the articles I’ve read online seem to point to it being a redirect issue, but it doesn’t sound like you’re trying to redirect.

      Is the form server in the same SharePoint farm as the portal site?
      Also, the following blog has a good look at the same problem:

  9. Gowtham says:

    Hi Fodi,

    Thanks for the reply. I’m getting the error(“The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different site collection: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:TaskForm0:-myXSD-2009-07-07T19-07-06
    “) when I click the title of the workflow “Approve required”.When I’m trying to debug the controll is not passing to feature.xml or workflow.xml thought I put a breakpoint there. I guess the controll is supposed to pass there. When I’m trying to debug, its taking about 10 mins to load the page after I click debug.

  10. Gowtham says:

    Hi Fodi,

    To be more detailed, I created a new item in the list.Then I started the workflow. I clicked simple workflow under running workflows. I clicked title”Approve required “. Then I’m getting this error. I also tried the solution in the blog you suggested. But here out we don’t have any url we just have the path for the Infopath form. This is not being accepted by “Alternate Access mapping” of central administration.

  11. Marco says:

    Hi, again.
    I have a question, do you have any way to send repeting rows from Workflow to infopath Task form, using the file ItemMetadata.xml, i need send a repeating table, but i can’t, you do have any idea?

    • machendra says:

      Hi ,

      I also have same problem what Marco facing..i also want to send repeting rows, rich text data and attachment from request form to various task forms .. plz help me.. if any body solved this problem..

      Thanks in advance

  12. Brian says:

    Great post, but i am having one problem. After I submit the data from the fields on my task form I am able to grab that information in the afterProperties and use it elsewhere. However, if I reopen the task the fields are blank. How can i get the form to retain the field values after a submit, then close, then reopen? Thanks.

  13. Tyler Hoffmann says:

    Nice Article! Took me a couple tries (and closer reading hehe) to get it but it works!

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Shiva S says:

    When I create a Task within “SimpleWorkFlow” I can see a new Task being created in Tasks collection.
    But my problem is when I try to open the new task in the Tasks collection, the InfoPath Form is not opening instead I get the following error. Please could somone help me?

    Exception occurred during request processing. (User: MOSSDEV01\Administrator, Form Name: , IP: , Request: http://mossdev01:37867/_layouts/WrkTaskIP.aspx?List=4e46fcf0-5185-4487-9ee1-5459ce254a97&ID=4&Source=http://mossdev01:37867/Sales/Lists/Tasks/AllItems.aspx, Form ID: , Type: InfoPathLocalizedException, Exception Message: The specified form cannot be found.)


  15. John Andrews says:

    I have two custom task form content types. the first one’s content type ID is already assigned to the TaskListContentTypeId of the workflow.xml. I want to use my second custom task form (which is an infopath form) as the task display form like:


    I publish the infopath form to the network location like you are doing but when I try to display the task form, it says ‘infopath form isn’t found’. (I also assigned the Task_URN0 property like you did). would it work if I published the form to the sharepoint library instead?

  16. John Andrews says:

    where do you deploy the publish infopath (.xsn) form?
    I am copying under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\[myworkflowfeaturename]\Forms
    but it says ‘infopath form not found’ when I try to display the workflow task form. I am not using the VS2008’s deploy command, I have my own install.bat file that I run. Am I supposed to do something else with the infopath form other than copying it to 12 hive?

  17. govind says:


    great article i have ever come across.

  18. Ed says:

    This is a very good article indeed, but i am stuck at one stage. It doesn’t seem to get to OnTaskChanged() activity. When i deploy and run the workflow, the task is created and and the status of the workflow for that item is “Completed” (which i think should be “in Progress”). The Task Form also opens when i click on the task and its fields are also set from the code. But when I approve the form the progress bar shows as if the data is being sent to the hosting process but the code inside onTaskChanged() is never executed and the completeTask activity is also never executed. The Visual Studio debugger is caught till the createTask1_MethodInvoking() method and is successfully executed. But the debugger is not being hit when i edit and submit the form(approve or reject). What could be the problem? Thank you.

  19. Catherine says:

    Hi, I have an infopath task form with some managed code (c#) behind it. When i want to apply it to the workflow, i need to publish it to network location and then save it as source file in my project folder. Plus install the infopath form (ApprovalRejectionForm) dll to the feature folder. Now the form can open and use. However, after i submit the form with some value in the controls of the form (e.g Status), I can’t access it with afterProperties.extendedProperties[“Status”].toString() in onTaskChange. The onTaskChanged is in replicator. I check in the log file and there is an exception on null reference. I try to use guid of the field instead of the field name but still failed.

    Any suggestion here? Thanks

  20. Riva Uy says:

    Thank you so much! Your post is very detailed and had been a real help! Great job!

  21. George says:

    Thanks a lot for the great post first.

    Does it work in x64?

    I’m facing the problem following this tutorial in x64 environment.

    Here’s my detailed question.

    Please give me some helps. Thanks in advance.

  22. Tathagata Saha says:

    I am developing one sequential workflow using InfoPath 2007 as a initiation form in VS 2008 IDE. Steps I am following like this blog(for creation of InfoPath and creation of workflow):

    Simple SharePoint Workflow with InfoPath Task Form

    while I want to deploy the workflow along with InfoPath form using “Deploy” option of VS 2008 I am getting an error
    “Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Template\Features\CustWF\Forms\TestForm.xsn’.position 1.”
    VSeWSS 1.3 is installed in my VM but it is not working . Any one can share any idea how I can deploy workflow using VS 2008

  23. MM Bari says:

    Thank you so much! Very well written and well documented, i had no trouble!
    Quick question: what about that ItemMetadata.xml file. Do we need to do with that? i moved that file to a different location but it is still working..
    Thanks again.

    • Heya MM,

      It’s always nice to receive some positive feedback. Thank you.

      You don’t need to keep the ItemMetadata file after you embed it into InfoPath. It’s just used as a secondary data source to describe the contents of your fields.

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